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Bitmap Libraries 2.0
Lisp Interface
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;; File BitMapExamples.lisp
;; Copyright (C) 1994, 1996 by John Montbriand. All Rights Reserved.
;; Distribute freely in areas where the laws of copyright apply.
;; Use at your own risk.
;; Do not distribute modified copies.
;; These various BitMap libraries are for free!
;; See the file BitMap.txt for details.
;; Macintosh Common Lisp Foreign Function Interfaces to the BitMap Libraries
;; [step one] make sure the files BitMaps.lisp and BitMapsLib.o are in
;; the Library folder in the MCL directory. Once those files are in place,
;; the BitMaps package can be conveniently used in any program you make.
;; ALSO...
;; Some of the examples herein use the following fonts:
;; Geneva, New York, Chicago
;; [step two] load and import the package so it can be used here
;; note: normally, these two commands would be included in any
;; program that uses the bitmaps package.
(require :bitmaps)
(use-package :bitmaps)
;; [step three] define a few utility routines used in the examples that follow...
;; simple-window is used in the following to make windows for demonstration
(defun simple-window (width height)
"for making simple little windows for showing stuff on the screen."
(make-instance 'window
:view-position #@(10 50)
:view-size (make-point width height)
:window-title "BitMap"
:window-type :single-edge-box
:erase-anonymous-invalidations nil))
;; dragonr adapted to lisp from the pascal found in Matthew Zeidenberg's article
;; "Snowflakes and Dragons" appearing in the August 1985 issue of MacWorld (p. 127).
(defun dragonr (x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 n)
"recursive dragon drawing routine"
(if (<= n 1)
(#_MoveTo x1 y1)
(#_LineTo x2 y2)
(#_LineTo x3 y3))
(let* ((x4 (truncate (/ (+ x1 x3) 2)))
(y4 (truncate (/ (+ y1 y3) 2)))
(x5 (+ x3 (- x2 x4)))
(y5 (+ y3 (- y2 y4))))
(dragonr x2 y2 x4 y4 x1 y1 (1- n))
(dragonr x2 y2 x5 y5 x3 y3 (1- n)))))
(defun dragon-fractal (h v size n)
(dragonr (+ h size) v h (- v size) (- h size) v n))
;; [example one] the same drawing commands done directly
;; to the screen. here, you can see how things get drawn. Also,
;; some of the bitmap routines are used to draw strings sideways
;; and in different positions.
(prog (wind title-bits rtitle-bits mcl-title bits-title h)
;; make a new window
(setf wind (simple-window 200 200))
;; draw into the window
(with-focused-view wind
;; draw the dragon fractal image
(dragon-fractal 125 110 50 11)
;; plot the dragon title
(setf title-bits (string-to-bitmap "Dragon" '("Chicago" 24)))
(setf h (truncate (/ (- 200 (get-bitmap-width title-bits)) 2)))
(plot-bitmap title-bits h 0 #$srcOr)
;; plot the MCL III title
(setf mcl-title (string-to-bitmap "MCL III" '("New York" 36)))
(setf rtitle-bits (rotate-bitmap-right mcl-title))
(plot-bitmap rtitle-bits 0 0 #$srcOr)
;; plot the BitMaps title
(setf bits-title (string-to-bitmap "BitMaps" '("Geneva" 36)))
(setf h (truncate (/ (- 200 (get-bitmap-width bits-title)) 2)))
(plot-bitmap bits-title h 150 #$srcOr)
;; recover the bitmap storage
(kill-bitmap rtitle-bits title-bits mcl-title bits-title))
;; wait a few seconds
(sleep 4)
;; close the window
(window-close wind))
;; [example two] drawing into bitmaps. Here, the same
;; drawing commands are used to create the image off-screen.
;; in the next example, this function is called before the image
;; is placed on the screen.
;; example of how to draw to an offscreen bitmap. note, in this
;; example we draw directly into the bitmap using the quickdraw
;; functions called in dragonr, and using the plot-bitmap routine
;; for other bitmaps created using the string-to-bitmap routine
(defun make-dragon-bitmap (&optional n)
"create a 200 by 200 bitmap containing a dragon fractal"
(let (my-bitmap title-bits rtitle-bits mcl-title bits-title h)
;; create a new bitmap
(setf my-bitmap (new-bitmap 200 200))
;; draw into the bitmap
(with-focused-bitmap (my-bitmap)
;; draw the dragon fractal image
(dragon-fractal 125 110 50 (if (null n) 8 n))
;; plot the dragon title
(setf title-bits (string-to-bitmap "Dragon" '("Chicago" 24)))
(setf h (truncate (/ (- 200 (get-bitmap-width title-bits)) 2))) ;; center it
(plot-bitmap title-bits h 0 #$srcOr)
;; plot the MCL III title
(setf mcl-title (string-to-bitmap "MCL III" '("New York" 36)))
(setf rtitle-bits (rotate-bitmap-right mcl-title))
(plot-bitmap rtitle-bits 0 5 #$srcOr)
;; plot the BitMaps title
(setf bits-title (string-to-bitmap "BitMaps" '("Geneva" 36)))
(setf h (truncate (/ (- 200 (get-bitmap-width bits-title)) 2))) ;; center it
(plot-bitmap bits-title h 150 #$srcOr)
;; recover the bitmap storage
(kill-bitmap rtitle-bits title-bits mcl-title bits-title))
;; return the bitmap
;; [example three] how to put a bitmap into a window
;; example of how to draw a bitmap in a window
;; here we draw an image on an offscreen bitmap and
;; put the result on the screen.
(prog (my-bitmap wind)
;; make a new window
(setf wind (simple-window 200 200))
;; create an image in a bitmap
(setf my-bitmap (make-dragon-bitmap 11))
;; plot the bitmap in the window
(with-focused-view wind
(plot-bitmap my-bitmap 0 0 #$srcCopy))
;; recover the bitmap storage
(kill-bitmap my-bitmap)
;; wait a few seconds
(sleep 4)
;; close the window
(window-close wind))
;; [example four] rotating a bitmap to an arbitrary angle
;; example of how to rotate a bitmap and draw it in a window
;; here we draw an image to an offscreen bitmap, and rotate
;; the image to 36 degrees at a time.
(prog (my-bitmap wind next-bitmap)
;; create a window for display
(setf wind (simple-window 200 200))
;; create an image in a bitmap
(setf my-bitmap (make-dragon-bitmap 11))
;; draw into the window
(with-focused-view wind
(dotimes (i 11)
(setf next-bitmap (rotate-bitmap my-bitmap (+ i 100) 100 (* i 36)))
(plot-bitmap next-bitmap 0 0 #$srcCopy)
(kill-bitmap next-bitmap)))
;; recover the bitmap storage
(kill-bitmap my-bitmap)
;; wait a few seconds
(sleep 1)
;; close the window
(window-close wind))
;; [example five] logical operations on bitmaps
;; example of how do to a logical operation on bitmaps
;; here we draw an image in a bitmap, make another one
;; containing the image flipped vertically, xor the two
;; together and put the result on the screen.
(prog (my-bitmap wind other-image drawn-image)
;; create a window for display
(setf wind (simple-window 200 200))
;; create an image in a bitmap
(setf my-bitmap (make-dragon-bitmap 11))
;; create another image (a frame)
(setf other-image (new-bitmap 200 200))
(with-focused-bitmap (other-image)
(#_PenSize 2 2)
(#_MoveTo 0 0)
(#_Line 198 0)
(#_Line 0 198)
(#_Line -198 0)
(#_Line 0 -198)
(#_MoveTo 150 40)
(#_TextSize 24)
(with-pstrs ((initials "JM")) (#_DrawString initials)))
;; xor the two images together
(setf drawn-image (xor-bitmaps other-image my-bitmap))
;; plot the result in the window
(with-focused-view wind
(plot-bitmap drawn-image 0 0 #$srcCopy))
;; recover the bitmap storage
(kill-bitmap my-bitmap other-image drawn-image)
;; wait a few seconds
(sleep 4)
;; close the window
(window-close wind))
;; [example six] pixel oriented operations used for drawing
;; example of how to set specific bits in the raster image.
;; here, we a grid (one pixel at a time) every 10 pixels
;; by inverting each pixel value, clearing intersections.
;; the entire image is transfered to the screen once after each line is drawn.
(prog (my-bitmap wind)
;; create a window for display
(setf wind (simple-window 200 200))
;; create an image in a bitmap
(setf my-bitmap (new-bitmap 200 200))
;; Put a letter on it
(with-focused-bitmap (my-bitmap)
(#_MoveTo 45 175)
(#_TextSize 200)
(with-pstrs ((initials "J")) (#_DrawString initials)))
;; draw into the window
(with-focused-view wind
(do ((x 10 (+ x 10))) ((eq x 200))
(do ((y 10 (1+ y))) ((eq y 190))
;; draw some dots using the pixel functions
(if (eq (rem y 10) 0)
;; clear dots where lines cross
(clear-bitmap-pixel my-bitmap x y)
;; invert pixels in other places
(toggle-bitmap-pixel my-bitmap x y)
(toggle-bitmap-pixel my-bitmap y x))))
;; draw to screen at the end of each line
(plot-bitmap my-bitmap 0 0 #$srcCopy)))
;; recover the bitmap storage
(kill-bitmap my-bitmap)
;; wait a few seconds
(sleep 4)
;; close the window
(window-close wind))
;; [example seven] drawing in colour with bitmaps
;; example of how to draw in different colours using bitmaps
;; here we draw successive generations of the dragon fractal
;; on the screen in different colours using colouration.
(prog (my-bitmap wind colour-list)
;; create a window for display
(setf wind (simple-window 200 200))
;; set up a ring of colours
(setf colour-list (list *red-color* *green-color* *blue-color* *yellow-color*))
(setf (cdr (last colour-list)) colour-list)
;; start drawing into the window
(with-focused-view wind
;; paint the window black
(set-fore-color wind *black-color*)
(#_PaintRect (pref (wptr wind) windowrecord.portrect))
;; loop while overlapping successive generations in different colours
(do ((i 12 (1- i)) (colour colour-list (cdr colour))) ((eq i 0))
;; create another image
(setf my-bitmap (make-dragon-bitmap i))
;; set the drawing colour
(set-fore-color wind (car colour))
;; add it to the image on the screen
(plot-bitmap my-bitmap 0 0 #$srcOr)
;; recover the bitmap storage
(kill-bitmap my-bitmap)))
;; wait a few seconds
(sleep 4)
;; close the window
(window-close wind))
;; [example eight] drawing strings at different orientations
;; example of how to use string to bitmap for drawing strings
;; in different orientations
(prog (my-bitmap right-bitmap left-bitmap height width wind the-string index hpos)
;; create a window for display
(setf wind (simple-window 200 250))
;; draw some rotated strings in the window
(with-focused-view wind
(dotimes (i 10)
;; create a bitmap containing a string
(setf index (1+ i))
(setf the-string (format nil "String ~@R (~R)" index index))
(setf my-bitmap (string-to-bitmap the-string `("Geneva" 11 :bold)))
;; rotate the string image right and left
(setf left-bitmap (rotate-bitmap-left my-bitmap))
(setf right-bitmap (rotate-bitmap-right my-bitmap))
;; calculate the horizontal position
(setf width (get-bitmap-width right-bitmap))
(setf hpos (- (* width 11) (* i width)))
;; put the right image at the top of the window
(plot-bitmap right-bitmap hpos 0 #$srcOr)
;; put the left image at the bottom of the window
(setf height (get-bitmap-height left-bitmap))
(plot-bitmap left-bitmap hpos (- 250 height) #$srcOr)
;; recover the bitmap storage
(kill-bitmap my-bitmap left-bitmap right-bitmap)))
;; wait a few seconds
(sleep 4)
;; close the window
(window-close wind))
;; end of file BitMapExamples.lisp